Fight Sports Around The World." IFS is a Global Fight Sport Company that Regulates
And Sanctions Fight Sports around the World. INTERNATIONAL FIGHT SPORTS
MISSION... "Our mission is to regulate safe and fair fight sport rules and
regulations and help provide exposure and opportunities for local, regional,
national and international competition among Pro and Amateur athletes,
trainers, promoters and officials. We will, through adherence to and enforcement
of these rules and regulations, strive to make competitive fight sports a safe
and fair environment as we continue to help bring exposure to and enhance
the present as well as the future of the fight sports we serve around the world."
Steve Fossum
President/CEO International Fight Sports, Commissioner/President IKF - ISCF -
IAB www.IFightSports.com - steve@IFightSports.com O: (916) 663-2467 IKF Muay Thai: www.IKFMuayThai.com / IKF Kickboxing: www.IKFKickboxing.com / ISCF MMA: www.ISCFMMA.com / IAB
Boxing: www.IABBoxing.com
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